Monday, March 5, 2018

REALTY411's INVESTOR's EXPO - 2018 SCHEDULE Orange County Investor's Expo

US THIS SATURDAY! Realty411 Magazine is hosting an Amazing All-American
Breakfast Buffet to celebrate their NEW magazines at their Real Estate
Investor's Expo, March 10th - RSVP: - We hope you can make this complimentary expo at the Atrium Hotel in Irvine, CA.

This One-Day Expo is uniting both local investors from throughout
California, from the Bay Area to San Diego, with guests from around the
country, including these states: Florida, Arizona, Texas, Utah, Nevada, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, South Carolina, and more.

Join us to learn tips on building wealth now with real estate, get the
private capital you need for your deals, learn to grow your business or
start one, discover how sophisticated investors buy real estate, learn
to earn multiple streams of income, and so much more!

Hope to see you there:
Image may contain: 6 people, including Kaaren Hall and Sean Gilliland, people smiling, meme and text

REALTY411's INVESTOR's EXPO - 2018 SCHEDULE Orange County Investor's Expo